Who's Crafty?

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United States
I am just a girl who is crafting her way through the kitchen, the house and the (soon to be!) classroom. Follow me and maybe we can figure this whole crafty thing out.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Closet Organization

I have an obsession....
 shoes, clothes, handbags, jewelry, scarves... it's bad. Wanna see?

Ok, so you can't see anything but clothes and shoes, but trust me, you don't want to see the rest of it (another post for another day). I have 56 pairs of shoes it's pinterests fault.

Anyway.. after one too many times of tripping over my shoes at 7am, half asleep, I decided I needed to find an inexpensive way to organize them. I liked the rack that I already had in there mainly because it held 16 pairs of shoes and only cost me $20 from Walmart. I went to their site and they were discontinued
womp womp

I searched for it on Amazon, just in case a vendor still had some left over. No luck. 
Then after the gym one day, I stopped at home depot and strolled the aisles. I kept finding things that cost $50+ and they only held 20 some shoes at most. I didn't want to spend that much money on something to just hold shoes. Then I ran into this.... 

The best part about them..... only $13.98 and they stack! They only had 2 on the shelf and none in the back. So I rushed home to order them online. I bought 6. I knew I only needed 5 for the closet, but I wanted 1 extra just in case I needed it for something else. At only $14, why not?

Once they arrived, I quickly ran them upstairs (all lies, they were heavy! I carried two at a time) and started putting them together. It only took 8 screws per set and some wood pins to stack them. In just over an hour, I had all 5 of them put together and stacked. see...

I LOVE it! My dark colored shoes are on one stacked shelf, light colors on the other. Boots and winter shoes are on the smaller one on the back wall. For the price I paid, the quality is good, set up was a breeze and they look great. I am one happy girl! 

Now go get some stackable shoe shelves, you will thank me later. 



Bubble My Licorice said...

amazing post :)
This closet is really oraganised!


LP aka A Crafty Southern Chick said...

I'm jealous of your amazing closet space!

Victoria said...

thank you! I do LOVE my closet. Now I just need to find baskets to put all my scarves, belts and leggings in. :)

Kat said...

Oh my god...I want your shoes. Seriously, I'm jealous!


Victoria said...

haha thanks! It is a horrible obsession! lol

alex said...

Thats a big closet:) It looks so organized!